Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, March 25, 2022
Prepare yourselves for the scandal that will come now in the Church!
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 23-03-2022 - 16:23 locution
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, receive the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity who is here today on this Hill to call His Sons from the world to the Truth, to be Sons of the Most High, to abandon the things of the Earth and to take refuge in the Things of Heaven.
God the Father is calling Humanity to conversion, He is crying out His sorrow for this Humanity lost in the hands of the Devil.
My children, prepare yourselves for the scandal that will now come to the Church!
Look at the signs that will now come in heaven and on earth.
God the Father Almighty is tired of waiting for the conversion of this Humanity that continually rebels against His Will and continues to follow those who should not: ... the false prophet, the one who has brought the Church to ruin, the one who is preparing the throne for the Antichrist.
My beloved children, beloved children of my Heart, for you there will be great gifts, wonders will come upon you who are following Jesus, renouncing your life in the world.
My children, shelter yourselves now in your homes and be in constant prayer, the time that comes now, and I say now, My children, will be a tremendous time for those who have turned away from God, for those who have turned against Him, and are fighting Him.
The Truth has been driven away, Jesus has been cast aside, Satan has taken more and more power in His Church! Now he will present the world with the Antichrist!
My Immaculate Heart weeps, weeps! ... it is a tremendous pain to see so many children lost in the wake of this devil.
My beloved children, think of the pain of Jesus when He was crucified, and even before His crucifixion. He was tortured in every way, He went through every pain for you, for your salvation He said His Yes to His Father. How much love! How much love My children, how much love! Even today He lives in Him so much pain, His Crucifixion is always stronger. Man is more and more evil, he sells himself for an ephemeral power on this Earth.
Remember, beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, that I hold you close to My Breast, abandon yourselves to Me, let Me be able to carry you triumphant to victory. I already see your choice in Christ Jesus, your sacrifice to come this far, I see your ardent desire to enter the new land, the new world governed by God, where no evil will exist, where happiness and love will be forever.
My beloved children, I am here in your midst, I will never abandon you! I am always here, in your midst, I caress you, ... I caress you My children, I caress you in your heart where I sign you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit so that you may be strong in the Spirit to go forward in the certainty of the victory that you will soon have with Me, with Me who will guide you as Coredemptrix, in this last Work in salvation, ... the last Divine Project.
Work for good, My children, be steadfast in your faith in Christ Jesus.
Do not be like ostriches, do not put your head in the sand, look in the face of those who would like to catch you, who would like to take you away from Him who created you. Do not hide, My children, challenge, challenge the one who wants to take you into his hands.
Today I am here to bless you again and lead you with Me to victory; I am here on this Hill that will soon be manifested in the greatness of God.
The warning is near, after the warning you will see the glory of this place.
My poor children, poor you who have fought against God, who have wanted to manifest yourselves in the infernal enemy with human rites and sacrifices.
Oh! ... God sees My children, God sees! What harm is done to you who have denied Life by choosing death! ... You are lost! You have given yourselves to Satan, ... for what? Because he promised you wealth and power in this world?
You have lost your life, ... you have lost everything My children, you will die in excruciating pain, your sentence will be eternal.
Pray, My children, for these beings who no longer belong to God because they are unclean, they immolated themselves to Satan and not to God!
Pray that at the last moment they may ask for forgiveness.
Go ahead! I join My hands to yours in prayer, with power I implore with you the early return of Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥